Word of the Year {2016}

Saturday, January 9, 2016

I don't new years resolutions per say. Every year on my birthday (which is in July), I make a bucket list. I guess it is sorta like resolutions but a bucket list sounds more appealing. And, it is more of a list of things I dream of being able to do over the coming year versus something that I 'must' do. There is no way to fail with the bucket list but I'm certain I would somehow MacGyver my way out of resolutions if push came to shove.
I still feel it is important for me to start the new year off with a focus. It's like a fresh start or a jump start for the coming months. So, I pick one word each January to help guide the coming 12 months. In 2014, it was hope. Lord did I ever need hope after how 2013 unfolded. Can I get an amen?  I literally wrote 'hope' on chalkboards and sticky notes around my house and committed scripture to memory that mentioned hope. 

In 2015, my word was intentional. After spending the preceding year trying to get my bearings in my new world, I challenged myself in 2015 to take a good hard look at my time, my resources, and my relationships and to be intentional with them. Whoa. 

Being intentional lead to a job change to align my career (and subsequently the bulk of my time) with a deep passion of mine. My spare time was also reallocated to include spending time with high school kiddos through a new endeavor at volunteer Young Life leader. 

Being intentional with my resourced forced me to take a big hard look at continuing to live in my home.  It was a security blanket for me but it was more than I needed both in terms of space, emotional ties, and finances. So 2015 brought about selling and moving into a rental for this season. The move allowed financial peace that I've never known, talk about being more intentional with resources.

I'd say I put intentional to the test and came out in a better place as I head into 2016. And so, the word of the year for 2016 is 'bold.' What a terrible word to pick. I don't know what it means really or how it will even play out but I'm challenging myself to it over the next 12 months. I won't lie, it sounds a bit terrifying. But friends, if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. And I'm all about discovering the richness that can come.

Here is to 2016.
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