Nights are so hard...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Addy would be 5 weeks old today.
Will there come a time when a Tuesday passes without me waking up thinking about how many weeks have lapsed since I saw Addy's face, since I kissed her precious little lips, or since I held her tight and told her that I love her? 

Will my heart heal without ever being whole again?

I lay in bed at night and feel a burn in my chest.
My Addy was a night owl and when I was pregnant, Nate would wrap his arms around me and hold tight to my tummy. When he would feel her wiggle, he would ask if I could feel her too. I felt her every move. 

Now I lay in bed at night...after having tried to wear myself out throughout the day...and instead of feeling Addy, I feel a burn in my chest. 
It's the ache of my broken heart.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. Your pictures are precious. My heart is broken for you guys, and you are in my prayers...


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