12 Weeks

Tuesday, June 11, 2013
It is Tuesday.
I dislike Tuesdays.
 I might even go so far as to say that I hate Tuesdays.
Every Tuesday, I wake up to the realization that one more week has lapsed.
I find myself getting lost in the thoughts of what should be as a way to mask life as I currently know it.

Today, my precious Addalyn would be 12 weeks old.
This should have been her first week at daycare and my first week back at work. 
I should be shedding tears on my commute as I leave my precious little one with someone else for the very first time. Instead, I shed tears over what will never be.

What would her laugh sound like? 
Would she look more like Nate or more like me?
Would she be sleeping through the night or still waking every few hours?
 Would she...would she...would she...I will never know.

To the moon and back...forever.

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