Saturday, February 2, 2013
It is the cry of this brokenhearted momma's heart that my daughter knows that she is loved. I don't know how to prepare to see her precious face for the first and last time. Will she know in the short amount of time that she in my arms that she is loved? 
Will she know how wanted she truly is? Will she be at peace?

I want, more than anything, for her to feel loved. 

One of the things that I was most excited about in thinking about becoming a momma was the moments when we would snuggle in the rocking chair and read. I remember those moments from my childhood and I was so excited to share those moments with my baby. So excited that I started buying books when I first found out that I was pregnant. Baby V's Aunt Emily and Nana also gave her some books.

While I may never have the opportunity to rock Baby V and read some of my favorite books to her, I don't want her to miss out on those moments. The hubs and I have a pile of books next to our bed and at night, we take turns reading to her. 

She is wanted and she is loved.

1 comment:

  1. Aly, I wanted you to know that I have been following your story. My heart is breaking for you, I think even more so with my due date being so close to yours. Your posts have helped me appreciate my pregnancy more and not take any of it for granted. I think reading to your baby girl is the perfect way to show her she is loved! She already knows that you and her husband are a constant presence.


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