Wednesday, December 12, 2012
We had our 22 week follow-up ultrasound with the perinatologist today.

I always get nervous heading to appointments but today both the hubs and I left feeling really good! The ultrasound tech and the perinatologist were different from the last two times we were there so it was a new prespective on our baby girl and the report was good! There were no structural abnormalities in her brain (no hygroma and no variant) and her heart looks good too! She is right on track for her growth and development for 22 weeks gestation. It did appear that one kidney is larger than the other but the perinatologist said it would be something that we just keep an eye on. They tried multiple times to get a good image of her little face with the 3D machine but the little stinker kept her hands in front of her face the whole time! 

What a relief to hear something positive about our little one. 
It is always so neat just to sit back and watch her move...what a little miracle! 

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