Every time I see my counselor, her first question is always, "Aly, how are you?"
My initial response is always a standard, "I am good."
She waits a few seconds and follows by saying, "How are you really?"
Sometimes the tears start flowing, sometimes the anger creeps up, and sometimes I am so numb that I don't even know how I am. But for the first time last week, before she even had the chance to utter her follow-up question, I responded "and I think for the first time in a really long time, I mean it."
She looked at me with a smile and the tears welled up in my eyes.
There were days when I didn't know if I would ever get to a point when I would be able to say that I feel "good." But last week I did and even as I type those words, the tears well thinking about how that feels.
I don't know if it is because the divorce is behind me or because all of the components that constituted our life together have been separated. I don't know if it is because our bedroom has been completely redone into an oasis for me or because the last of his left behind things have found a new home.
I don't know if it is because it is April and I made it through the first of every milestone without my beloved. Or if it is because of the amazing ways in which my family and friends have kept Addy's memory alive and celebrated her most precious life throughout the year.
I don't know if it is because of the testimonies that I heard at Hope Spoken or my renewed understanding that my faith, which I have admittedly struggled with over the years, is the foundation of who I am.
I don't know if it is because the sun is shining and the weather is getting warm or because I have enrolled in a photography class, got my very first library card and having taken up reading, because I streamlined my social media outlets, signed up for my first 5k, or because I am planning out my soon to be planted garden.
I don't know what it is but last week, for the first time I truly felt good.
I felt as if my outward expression matched my inner self.
I know the grief cycle well.
I know as it spins, my spirit fluctuates with the ebb and flow and my emotions waver.
So, I want to document last week. The week where I felt good, where I felt strong, and where I felt hopeful.
It is a feeling that I was not sure would ever come and I want to embrace it.